Everyday Elements
motion graphics series
Everyday Elements is a motion graphics series of 36
seamlessly looping 15” long pieces, originally created as part of the 36 Days of Type community challenge on Instagram.
Together with Callum Baker we conceptualized and created 36 designs in 36 days, from April 10 to May 15, 2023, illustrating letterforms inspired by things, concepts, feelings that make up our year.
Over the course of the project visited a variety of old and new corners of 3D and 2D motion techniques, using C4D, AE, Unreal Engine, Blender, EmberGen and a bit of AI.
See the full project as an interactive grid here.
Together with Callum Baker we conceptualized and created 36 designs in 36 days, from April 10 to May 15, 2023, illustrating letterforms inspired by things, concepts, feelings that make up our year.
Over the course of the project visited a variety of old and new corners of 3D and 2D motion techniques, using C4D, AE, Unreal Engine, Blender, EmberGen and a bit of AI.
See the full project as an interactive grid here.
Concepts, motion graphics
Callum Baker
Originally on
Concepts, motion graphics
Callum Baker
Originally on
︎ Click images to play
Better than avocadon'ts.
Take one.
Light up the moka pipe, man.
On display now, by appointment only.
Whack 'em all.
When you need an escape route.
They be evasive.
Like religion but with taxes.
Flammable fuel.
Worth jumping for.
Help a neighbour out.
Helps growth, for free!
It paints the room.
That shrinking feeling won't last.
Into the maze we go.
Synthesised brain fuel since 1938.
Means doing it right when no one's watching.
Perspectives may vary.
Courtesy of planet's biggest illegal lab.
Occasionally broken.
Go explore, come back.
Not quite what it seems.
The blue sky therapy.
Unfortunately an element these days.
The toughest opponent.
Good morning.
No way around that line.
It's windy at the top.
Stop hitting yourself.
Powerful figures.
Nature's loop.
The high is five, everybody.
We're all on the same dish.
Helps things fall into place.
Full of itself.
Journey through them every summer.
Extra frames & Behind the scenes

A —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
B —— Callum Baker | Blender
C —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, AE, EmberGen
D —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
E —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
F —— Callum Baker | Blender
G —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
H —— Kristaps Kazaks, Callum Baker | C4D + Arnold, AE
I —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, EmberGen
J —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
K —— Kristaps Kazaks | AE, Element3D
L —— Callum Baker | Blender, AE
M —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
N —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
O —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, Illustrator
P —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
Q —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
R —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
S —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine
T —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
U —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
V —— Callum Baker | Blender
W —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine
X —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
Y —— Kristaps Kazaks | AE
Z —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
0 —— Kristaps Kazaks | Unreal Engine, AE
1 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine, AE
2 —— Callum Baker | Blender
3 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
4 —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
5 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, EmberGen
6 —— Callum Baker | Blender
7 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
8 —— Callum Baker | Blender
9 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
B —— Callum Baker | Blender
C —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, AE, EmberGen
D —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
E —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
F —— Callum Baker | Blender
G —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
H —— Kristaps Kazaks, Callum Baker | C4D + Arnold, AE
I —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, EmberGen
J —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
K —— Kristaps Kazaks | AE, Element3D
L —— Callum Baker | Blender, AE
M —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
N —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
O —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, Illustrator
P —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
Q —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
R —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
S —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine
T —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
U —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
V —— Callum Baker | Blender
W —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine
X —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
Y —— Kristaps Kazaks | AE
Z —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
0 —— Kristaps Kazaks | Unreal Engine, AE
1 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D, Unreal Engine, AE
2 —— Callum Baker | Blender
3 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE
4 —— Callum Baker, Kristaps Kazaks | Blender, AE
5 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE, EmberGen
6 —— Callum Baker | Blender
7 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold
8 —— Callum Baker | Blender
9 —— Kristaps Kazaks | C4D + Arnold, AE