Real-time lab

Demos and prototypes made playing around with real-time generative, interactive and audioreactive visuals. Using combinations of TouchDesigner, Unreal Engine, Stable Diffusion, Kinect, Leap Motion sensors, midi controls and creative coding in python.

Real-time motion gfx reel

Bits and pieces of setups running real-time, nothing has been pre-rendered. Built with combinations of Unreal Engine, TouchDesigner and Stable Diffusion.

Interactive Movie Posters reel

Various interactive prototypes using TouchDesigner, Unreal Engine and Stable Diffusion with inputs from Kinect and Leap Motion.

The Magic Mirror: Art Styles prototype demo

TouchDesigner + Kinect + Stable Diffusion

Interactive generative AI visuals setup using StreamDiffusion.

The Magic Mirror: Voice Control prototype demo

TouchDesigner + Kinect + Stable Diffusion

Interactive generative AI visuals setup using StreamDiffusion and speech-to-text.

audioreactive diffusion

TouchDesigner + Stable Diffusion

Versatile and easily costumizable audioreactive real-time AI visuals setup with midi controls, running on StreamDiffusion.

self, 2023

TouchDesigner + Kinect

Audioreactive setup with a custom control panel, controlled via midi.

Twin Peaks Red Room

Unreal Engine + TouchDesigner

Audioreactive and midi controlled back-end in TouchDesigner controlling a real-time scene in Unreal Engine.

Twin Peaks – Dance of the Dream Man

Unreal Engine + TouchDesigner

Audioreactive and midi controlled back-end in TouchDesigner controlling a real-time scene in Unreal Engine.

Nike live experiments

TouchDesigner + Kinect + Stable Diffusion

Interactive generative AI visuals setup using StreamDiffusion.

Audioreactive City

TouchDesigner + Unreal Engine

Audioreactive and midi controlled back-end in TouchDesigner controlling a real-time scene in Unreal Engine that then gets streamed back into TouchDesigner for final output.


TouchDesigner + Unreal Engine

Audioreactive and midi controlled back-end in TouchDesigner controlling a real-time scene in Unreal Engine that then gets streamed back into TouchDesigner for final output. All the different flavours achieved live by adjusting the set up parameters through midi controls.

Dot Dance


A little audioreactive + midi controlled R&D project on Akusmi - Fleeting Future track, inspired by their vinyl artwork.